Year 2
Year 2 Rationale
Autumn 1
In Year 2, pupils begin the Autumn term with exploring 'The place where they live' (Blackburn). Here they continue to develop an awareness of chronology, recognising the distinction between past and present, identifying some similarities and differences between their own present and aspects of the past, placing a few events and objects in order, using common phrases and words about the passing of time and know where some people and events fit into a chronological framework. Pupils continue to develop their skills of enquiry and interpretation by using sources to answer simple questions about the past and ask and answer questions through observing and handling a range of sources. In Year 2, pupils begin to understand the reasons behind why people from the past acted a certain way from a range of sources.
Spring 1
Next, in the spring term, Year 2 learn about, significant people of the past. The children compare and contrast important people such as, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. They recognise that their own lives are different to those of the past and develop their understanding of chronology. Pupils are encouraged to ask and answer questions and develop their own hypothesis as to why people in the past acted the way that they did, using evidence from a range of sources.
Summer 2
In the Summer term, Year 2 pupils continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of chronology between different time periods, make simple connections, draw contrasts, enquire and interpret using sources. Their topic has a focus on the seaside, comparing what the seaside was like in the 1900s (Victorian times) and today.