The new school admissions booklets, for both primary and secondary schools are now available online. The booklets can be accessed below for both Primary and Secondary OR at
Blackburn with Darwen Council - Links directly to school admissions page.
Primary and Secondary schools Admission for 2024-25
Admission Arrangements
I am delighted that you are considering joining us here at Cedars Primary School. This page contains useful information for you as a parent regarding admissions to our school. Please feel free to contact us at school to book an appointment to come and visit and see us in action.
Admission to Cedars Primary school (for children aged 4 to 11)
The admission number for Reception children at our school is 60. These places are allocated each September in accordance with the Local Authority’s Admissions Policy for primary schools (see below).
Your child will start in a Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday. Applications booklets for Admission to Reception can be collected from Children’s Services at:
Admissions Team
Children's Services and Education Department
10 Duke Street
Tel: 01254 666605
Apply online at:
Blackburn with Darwen Council - Admissions Links to school admission page
Admission to Nursery
At Cedars Primary School we offer free early education sessions to all 3 and 4 year olds. Your child can join our Nursery class in the term after they turn 3, all children are entitled to 15 hours free childcare. If both parents work - a child may be entitled to 30 hours free childcare, including a free school lunch.
We offer free morning sessions that start at 8.30 am to 11.30 am. Afternoon sessions run from 12.15 – 3.15 pm. However, we can offer flexibility in when your child attends. Application forms for admission to our Nursery can be collected from our school office. All completed forms must be returned to the school office.
For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact our school office and ask to speak to Mrs Yusuf on 01254 261609
Nursery Admission Arrangements
Our Nursery has capacity for 52 children, split equally into a morning class and an afternoon class. Admission arrangements for children joining our nursery are managed by the school Office Manager, Mrs Najma Yusuf. Children are usually admitted in the September after their third birthday, but if we have places available we will happily admit children in the term after their third birthday.
If you are interested in a nursery place, please call into the office any time after your child’s second birthday, and Mrs Yusuf will talk you through the application process.
Reception Admission Arrangements
Our Reception classes currently have capacity for 60 children. Arrangements for children joining our Reception classes are managed by the Admissions Team at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. In the autumn of the year before your child is due to start school, you will receive a reminder letter from the council. You may then call into school to collect an Admissions Booklet. You MUST complete the application form and return it to the council, even if your child already attends our nursery. Around Easter-time you will receive a letter from the council telling you which school your child has been offered a place at.
Cedars Community Primary School
St James's Road, Blackburn
Tel (01254) 261609
Head teacher: Mrs N Truman
Age range: 3-11
Nursery class: Yes
Total number of pupils: 380
Preferences for September 2024/25: 60 per year group
Admission number 2019: 60
Admission policy for community and voluntary controlled primary schools for
2024/25 academic year.
Children to be admitted
The law does not require any child to start school until the start of the term following
the fifth birthday. In Blackburn with Darwen we operate a single start date of
September for all children who will become 5 during that school year. All children
who have their fifth birthday between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025 may
start school in the Autumn Term 2024.
Deferred admission
Parents may wish to consider delaying their child’s admission until the term after their
fifth birthday. This is called deferred admission. Further information about deferred
admission is included in the Council’s admissions booklet for parents and can be
provided by the Council’s admissions manager.
Admission Arrangements for Primary Community & Voluntary Controlled
Schools for 2024/25 Academic Year
All preferences expressed will be considered equally. If the number of children
requiring admission does not exceed the school’s published admission number, all the
children will be offered admission. If the number of children requiring admission
exceeds the published admission number, then the admissions authority (Local
Authority) will consider all preferences equally against the oversubscription criteria
shown below.
Admission Criteria for Oversubscribed Schools
Children with an education, health care plan, or a statement for special educational
needs or an individual pupil resource agreement (IPRA) for whom the preferred
school is named in the plan/statement will be admitted first. The remaining applicants
who have named this school as a 1st 2nd or 3rd preference will then be considered
equally against the Council’s admission policy, in the priority order given below:
(a) Looked after’ children and children who were previously ‘looked after’ but
immediately after being looked after were adopted or became subject to a
residence/child arrangement order, or special guardianship order. ‘Looked after’
means that the child was (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with
accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions.
(b) Children with an older sibling (sibling means a brother or sister, half brother or
sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, not cousins, or the child of the
parent/carers partner, and in every case, the child should be living in the same family
unit at the same address) who will still be attending the preferred school when the
younger child is admitted;
(c) Children with proven exceptional medical, social or welfare needs which are
directly relevant to the school concerned. If you wish to be considered under this
category you must provide appropriate supporting evidence with your application.