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Cedars Primary School

Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Pride, Ambition


Staff in Reception

Class Teachers: Miss T Oxendale and Miss T Nasir


Support Staff: Mrs Fielding 

Outdoor Learning

The children will have constant access to the outside learning area, so please ensure they are dressed  accordingly.  A named coat should be provided on most days.  In the colder months, a hat, scarf and gloves are recommended. 



It is important that the children have their full PE kit every week. Black shorts, a white top and black pumps are needed for indoor sessions. A pair of legging or jogging trousers, a sweatshirt and trainers can be worn for outdoor sessions. Please name your child's PE kit and organise it in a drawstring bag with their name on. 


PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon.




In Reception, the children will bring home their homework book on a Thursday. They will have until Monday to complete the homework in their books.  Some additional tasks will also be set on Purple Mash. The children's login details can be found at the front of their Reading Record books.



Your child will bring home a reading book each night. At the beginning of term, children will bring home their library book, which they change weekly. This story is for you and your child to enjoy together. This is for the children to practise storytelling using the pictures, developing language and confidence and embedding reading behaviours. Later in the term, when they have learnt some sounds in phonics, they will progress to books with words. They will be given two books per week: one that we have been reading in class together and another new book. 


Please ensure children have their book bags in school every day! 

Library day is on a Friday.


Cedars School Motto

"To provide inspiring education in a caring place, where every child can flourish and every day is unmissable”.


Cedars Values





