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Cedars Primary School

Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Pride, Ambition

Monitoring Attendance

Monitoring Attendance


To monitor children’s absences from school we have devised a new procedure to tackle attendance from the start. We will communicate to parents through the days their child has missed. See appendix one for a break down on the procedure.

Parents will be contacted through: when their child has missed school. As a school, we understand sometimes children are ill and will be absent from school however we will closely monitor everyone’s attendance, the same way.



  • The school office will check registers and telephone any family that has not informed school of their child’s absence.
  • Pupil Wellbeing Coordinator (PWC) will liaise with the office staff daily and pursue persistent targeted absentee children and do home visits if necessary.
  • Designated Attendance lead will check in with the Attendance team to monitor how the day looks and if any children of our concern have arrived at school.
  • The designated attendance lead may also ask the Pupil Wellbeing Coordinator to carry out an emergency home visit if we appear worried by an absence.
  • Attendance lead will check the register and SIMS to gather evidence of a child missing 3 days, 6 session or more. The appropriate letter will be sent to the parent of the child to inform them that the school is monitoring their child’s attendance.


  • Whole school attendance is monitored every week (Friday) by HT/AL/PWC/Office Manager and any areas for immediate action will be discussed.
  • The attendance of children below 90% of any class is shared with the teachers on a weekly basis.
  • Any pupils whose attendance falls below 95% will be discussed at the monthly meeting with the Headteacher and or the Inclusion Officer. Actions are discussed and implemented.
  • If absence persists, and falls below 85%, the Inclusion Officer will make contact with parents.
  • If termly absence continuously persists, a formal meeting is held with parents, PWC/Head. The child will be put on an Action Plan and regular monitoring meetings will take place to ensure improved attendance.
  • Individual attendance will be monitored weekly for: a) Improvement in attendance. b) Patterns of non-attendance. c) Number of absences record.
  • Whole School Attendance percentages for the whole school including punctuality for every class is celebrated in Friday’s Good News Assemblies.
  • An attendance display board in the main hall is updated weekly to highlight the importance of School Attendance.
  • Daily ‘Full house’; certificates are given out to any class with 100% for the day.
  • The class with the highest attendance will win a trophy, ice pops and a star on the ‘Race to 5’ competition.
  • If a class gains 100% all week, each child will receive an attendance prize and class certificate


  • Whole School To choose a day every month and hold a ‘100% Day’ to improve attendance and raise awareness and importance of attending school.
  • If the school can achieve 100% attendance on the day the children will be rewarded a prize that has been planned for by the teachers and attendance team.

Half Termly

  • Children with 100% attendance will be awarded with certificates and names put in a raffle during Assembly for a prize.
  • A Raffle will also be done with the parents of the children who achieve 96% or above.
  • Children will receive a token in a jar for each full week they attend school, tokens of each year group will be combined at the end of the half term and a name will be chosen and a prize awarded.  


  • Individual attendance prizes, certificates and celebration during assemblies.