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Cedars Primary School

Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Pride, Ambition

Science Statement of Intent

Cedars Curriculum Statement


At Cedars Primary School, teaching and learning is based upon a language rich themed curriculum where pupils are exposed to a range of experiences to enhance their knowledge, understanding and long term memory. As a result, pupils at Cedars are confident, aspirational, articulate learners who are ready for the next stage of education.


How Science is taught

Science at Cedars is planned using the National Curriculum Statutory Guidelines document. Teachers use Long Term plans, connected to the White Rose Science Scheme of work for each half term.  Teachers focus on developing the children's scientific knowledge, vocabulary and most importantly their working scientifically skills. At Cedars, we believe that it is important to think and behave like a scientist in lessons and encourage the children to explore and come to their own conclusions based on their findings.
