Lower KS2
Pupils begin by learning about what makes a family, exploring and including different types of families. This leads into learning about the different features of family life and how this might differ for different families. Children then begin to further explore relationships which starts by learning about personal boundaries. This follows on to be supported by safely responding to others. This builds upon pupils’ learning through Key Stage 1 as they develop a better understanding of the impact of hurtful behaviour. After developing a better understanding of how hurtful behaviour impacts others, children then go on to recognise the effects of respectful behaviour. This lends to pupils developing more of an understanding of self-respect, being courteous and being polite.
Children revisit their previous learning about friendships and begin to further understand positive friendship, this includes friendships possibly developing online. In their previous year, children learn the impact of hurtful behaviour, this is then built upon in whereby pupils learn how to respond to this kind of behaviour. Pupils then go on to explore how to develop their understanding of privacy by further addressing confidentiality. This then progresses into recognising the risks of online, children will apply their knowledge of online safety from previous years and their knowledge of privacy here. At the end of this topic, children go on to develop their sense of respecting differences and similarities as well as recognising them. Children are then able to discuss difference with sensitivity.
Living in the Wider World
Children draw on prior knowledge learnt in Key Stage 1 to explore the value of rules and laws. Pupils learn about their individual rights at a deeper level and further understand what is meant by freedoms and responsibilities. During this topic, children continue to build on their knowledge of online platforms and how the internet is used. They expand on this through assessing information found and shared online, developing their evaluation skills. Children develop their understanding of different jobs and skills needed to facilitate these roles. This then develops into awareness of job stereotypes. Children complete this unit by setting their own personal goals for the future.
Children learn to apply their knowledge of the community from previous year groups in this unit by understanding specifically what makes a community. Their understanding of responsibilities is further developed, moving away from individual responsibilities to those that are shared. Children build upon their existing understanding of different technologies and the use of the internet by exploring how data is shared and used. Pupils then expand on their knowledge of money and learn how to make decisions in reference to money, for example exploring affordability. Following this, children understand using money and keeping it safe.
Health and Well-being
In this topic, children revisit their knowledge of healthy choices and further explore how our choices can become habits. In understanding their feelings, children gain a deeper understanding of causes that can affect their feelings and how express this. Through understanding changes as we grow, children learn to evaluate their personal strengths and achievements. Pupils understand how to reflect on their weaknesses and recovering from setbacks. Children build upon their knowledge of safety at home, by identifying risks and hazards in the local environment. Furthermore, children explore the safety of unfamiliar places.
Through Health and Wellbeing, children combine their understanding of ways and means we aim to stay healthy by better understanding what is meant by a balanced lifestyle. Children deepen their understanding of oral hygiene, revisiting and building on the understanding of oral health in Key Stage 1 and also in Science objectives. In support of these changes, pupils will develop a better understanding of personal hygiene and looking after themselves. Through links to safety, children build upon prior knowledge of medicines in Year 2 by developing a deeper understanding of the risks if misused. This is also applied to household products. Children begin to develop an awareness of drugs common to everyday life.