Lunchtime Menu & Breakfast Club
Cedars Lunch Menu - 2022-23
Please note, dinner money will remain at £2.00 per day. Total weekly dinner money is £10.00, which must be paid online using the school payment APP. Dinner Money must be paid in advance for the week ahead. You also have the option to pay termly. If your child would like to change their meal pattern (I.e pack lunches to school dinners) you must contact the school office before making your payment online. All parents must sign the meal contract and abide by the contract for paying monies weekly.
School Meal Contract.
Parents must pay for their child's dinner money on time, every week. You will no longer be able to build up a debt. Children will have to bring a packed lunch to school as soon as payments fall behind. Please refer to the school's meal contract for further guidance which is available on the below link:
We provide Breakfast club facilities every morning from 8.00am to 8.45am. If an early drop off would benefit you and your child then please ask for further information at the school office.
The cost is £1.00 each morning, this covers their food, drinks, supervision and access to many fun activities.
If you are struggling financially to pay for your child then please speak to our Pupil & Well-being Officer - Diane Bailey.