Welcome Back Letter
Welcome Back
FACEBOOK - @cedarsprimaryblackburn
Dear Parents / Carers,
I hope you and your family have enjoyed the summer break and your child is excited for the new school year. I know the staff and I cannot wait to have you all back on Thursday.
This newsletter outlines how we will return to school and operate safely, following the latest Government Covid guidance. Please do read this document and if you have any questions please phone or email school.
COVID-19 Return to School Arrangements
Return to School in September 2021
Government guidance now allows school to remove the bubble structure, other social distancing measures and control measures that have been in place for children. Our school will be gradually doing this from September 2021. Government guidance also means we can return many aspects of school back to how it was working before the pandemic started.
However, we need to be clear that the pandemic has not gone away and as per government guidelines, we now need to learn to live with Coronavirus. As such, some general measures will need to remain in place. From time to time, our arrangements may need to be reviewed in the event of any increase in infections or changes in government guidelines.
Below details some key changes to be aware of.
The School Day
As of 2nd September 2021, the school doors will open at 8.30am and close promptly at 8.50am. We found this to work well and gives the children time to settle and work on extra English and Maths skills before the register is taken. I would encourage you to bring your children to school promptly so they can build on basic skills which will help them succeed.
The end of the school day will be at 3:00pm for all classes.
On the first week back there will be plenty of staff on the playground to show you the entrance to your child’s new class. Please reassure your child if this is a worry.
Breakfast club will be running as normal from Thursday at 8.00am in the main hall. Children will get a choice of breakfast and games and activities for £1 per day. Please let the office know if your child wishes to attend.
You will no longer be required to wear a mask when on the school premises but I would encourage you to still socially distance.
Lunchtimes and Break Times
We can now begin to relax our bubble system in school. We have decided to keep some measures in school and are having year group bubbles until October half term.
Children will have break and lunch with the whole of their year group. It will be nice for the children to play with their friends again.
During the last 18 months, whole school assemblies have been held in class or virtually. We know the importance of physically coming together as a whole school community and will gradually be introducing key stage assemblies in the hall. The children will sit with their own class.
School Events and Clubs
School events have changed dramatically over the last 18 months with many meetings taking place virtually and many usual events being unable to take place in the normal way. As we move through the Autumn term we will be keeping you fully informed of any school events and clubs we are able to hold. Extra-curricular clubs and key events will be organised when we return to school in September.
Children must attend school each day.
Please make sure your child has appointments before or after school where possible and only keep them off if they are unwell.
As always, we WILL NOT authorise extended leave or holidays in term time. I am sure you will agree the children have missed far too much education over the past 18 months and need to be in school every day.
The first 2 days back at school (Thursday / Friday) will be an opportunity for the children to settle into their new class and to set routines and get used to school life without some of the restrictions.
Please make sure the children come to school in the correct uniform with black shoes and do not forget to bring their book bag, water bottle and PE kit with them.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Truman